Projects > GothenburgMeetsItself |
Gothenburg meets itself
Gothenburg is becoming an increasingly segregated city. Different parts of the city are evolving with seperate identities, segregating people with different economical status and with different ethnic backgrounds.
This has consequences for all sharing this city. Isolation and marginalisation of groups of people is one consequence. In a city where there are no natural meeting places for people of different backgrounds you are left to create an image of other people from other sources than your own experiences, from information and representations that are made by others.
With this in mind this project emerged. During four months, sixteen youth from four diferent parts of gothenburg documented the areas where they lived with the help of disposable cameras. Together we discussed images of places and how they are produced and reproduced. I chose to work with young people because in media today we are often presented images of how it is to be young today living in different parts of the city, a discussion that is not created by the young people themselves living in these places but by others.
The aim of the project was to give space and legitimacy to young people to tell their own story. We also wanted to create a discussion on equality, democracy and information in society. The exhibition was opened at the International Book Fair in Gothenburg, it was then shown in the different localities where the pictures were taken and at other culture and art institutions around the city.